New Server Running Nicely!

I’ve finally been able to set up my new Windows server, and it runs fantastically.

I’ve actually not done much in the way of Windows in a hosting setup when it comes to establishing DNS, and POP3 and SMTP.

I’m amazed at how simple it is to setup DNS, Mail and Websites under windows.

I mostly focused on linux and avoided Windows for its outrageous pricing and numerous security flaws requiring constant patching due to being the mainstream OS (why not patch the hackers instead?).

Windows surprises me in that everything is nearly a click away after you work out what you are aiming for.

I’m very familiar with DNS, Mail systems and Web setups, anyway, I got into the windows machine expecting an extensive setup, requiring a lot of learning, a fair bit of frustration, and reaching the point where you wonder if its worth doing, then you reach that sudden break through where all is sorted.

That wasn’t the case here. I’m sort of disappointed, because I was ready for a challenge and all I got was a few clicks and I was pretty much done. Have already got domain running, website up and ready to load more in the coming days.

On another unrelated note, OzVoIPStatus has been getting a little bit of contact from VSPs wanting to add proxies or update details, etc, and I do have something in the pipeline for that. My biggest problem is getting and remaining focused on a task. I can generally stay on task once I have started, but if I get distracted (you have a 2 year old kid, you quickly understand “distracted”), I lose my thought path and end up just gaming or browsing Whirlpool (and both are actually not so entertaining .. they get boring fast).

So, I start to get my thought process back, I guess I get “over-bored” and keen to get back into it all and get it finished so I might be able to instead watch some TV, catch a movie, or work on the numerous of other projects that have been “PENDING” for, well don’t ask the time.

Essentially though, I try and put a bit of time into everything I can and the balance sort of makes it.

Back to it, I plan to get some features onto OzVoIPStatus in the coming weeks for providers to get more out of the site, so we can be more of a middle ground between them, instead of them remaining the star attraction to shame (wasn’t really the initial point of the site either). Coming weeks, I’d say days, but see above, time blows out. I think the planet is somehow speeding up, or its losing size, and therefore time might be adjusting. Who knows. A day just doesn’t feel like 24 hours though.


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