Nearly out of debt

Nah – we haven’t paid the house off, however, we have nearly finished paying off the credit card enough to claw back our interest free period.

It’s most satisfying that I can see we get to go back to the norms of paying down the house enough to get a redraw balance fat enough to fund an extension.

And then I look at what is going to threaten that and it can be seen that there are significant expenses coming in terms of rates.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015)

Our neighbours with townhouses are looking at getting their driveway fixed – this has a likely expense being added for a fence to some scale. Ideally they’ll give us a bit of a break there, it’s not anything at all to do with us that the fence is falling over – their driveway is designed poorly and large trees and cars driving over rocks are the forces pushing it over.

The fence really should be replaced entirely at their cost! But we’ve also recognised the fence is being replaced instead of repaired (it’s broken in many areas), so I emailed earlier today to see if they would agree with a smaller contribution from us given that the fences act states negligence as an issue.

I hope my email wasn’t too harshly received, merely copy + paste of the law, some photos and a suggestion of what I’d like to have happen.

A gentle reminder also included that their retaining wall must be inside their boundary for our building is at the legal limits.

Nothing says ‘out of debt’ like more bills – really. It becomes a mountain too – so you climb to the top of it, only to have another peak added.

I’ve also got other expenses related to licensing, and car repair issues  – we’ve got a leak through the windscreen seal, and more firewall rust. And I can easily see the interest free period on our credit card (which is really just a measure of our ability to pay for all our expenses on time) is going to disappear again.

You’d think from the rough description above that I might be somehow underpaid – but not the case, I get paid well – it’s simply we are carrying too much cost over run from our renovation – and seriously, next time there will be costs cut – so much was simply excess charges – and your not going to tell a builder that’s just finished a week’s worth of work that the bill is too high.

I only hope work gets a little more interesting instead of the boredom that it currently is in the nearer future.

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