Aussie Kids: Are endangered kids?

Sorry for the relatively harsh title, but nothing can really accurately reflect the news stories that have been seen over the last few weeks over what can only be described as negligence on multiple levels towards the care and safety of Australian Children.

Let me just get some links here so you can get some relative idea:

Nov 6 2007: Woman and baby fell from former residence
Nov 6 2007: Revealed: Girl police say starved to death
Nov 6 2007: Accused baby-killer ‘lost it’, court told
Nov 6 2007: Bindeez toy recalled over drug fears
Oct 29 2007: Man pleads not guilty to killing baby son
Oct 24 2007: Woman denied bail over toddler son’s death
Oct 24 2007: Carol Louise Matthey has charges against her dropped
Oct 21 2007: Body in suitcase: police charge toddler’s mother
Oct 18 2007: Mother finds intruder in 5yo’s bedroom

The above is just from a few short weeks, and they all demonstrate cases where children have been placed in clear harms way either deliberate, or otherwise by parents, and government departments responsible for their safety.

The recent is the revelation of a 7 year old who weighed 9KG! That’s alarming levels, when you consider my young one gets up around 14KG, and he is by no means obese, yet is years younger!

That was at the very least a clear cut case for monitoring the child, and the story reveals DOCS had a previous involvement with the family! Why wasn’t the childs nutrition considered??

Then we have the careless, and well, I still can’t find words to describe the actions taken by the 2 year old’s mother in Sydney dumping the child in a lake. There’s no word for that. Wait. I have one. Shoot her.

It’s cases like the above (except the toy recall, and the obvious ones above where the parents aren’t involved), that give me reason to give 100% support to a licenced based parenting system.

Are these idiots having kids for money and then when they all get too much, … neglecting them (for want of a better word?)..

There really needs to be strong reform here. If the trend keeps continuing, any inherent growth that should have resulted from programs like the Baby Bonus might not be effectively realised.

Our kids are our future. Some of the individuals listed in the above (and there’s more if you really wanted to have a dig, that was just a quick search of links that I had lying around), don’t really seem capable of having children.

Or, when the individual might be capable of having children, we have sick shits breaking into their rooms for good knows what reason.

Or, toy testing failing to detect critical drugs in Hong Kong imports.

There’s also two stories not in the above list that just crossed my mind:
1. The werribee incident. They didn’t get jail terms. They got what can only be described as minor punishment.
2. The incident involving a father on fathers day dumping the kids in the car in the lake.
3. A 14 year old recently set alight a younger neighbour, after splashing him with petrol (what’s a kid got petrol for anyway?!!), and chasing him down the street screaming I’m going to kill you, I’m going to set you on fire.
4. The pumpkin abandoning.

What the F*@k is wrong with people? The kids listed above are innocent people, who have every right to a full chance at life, even if the parents who bring them in this world attempt to deny them that.

Take a good look at what SOME members of the nation are doing to their children, harmless, innocent, defenceless children, being harmed or killed by either negligent parents, harmful parents, negligent government controls, etc.

This is not the Australia I want my child to be in. I want him to see the world from at least the angle that parents aren’t going to kill their own kids, or neglect them.

I’m forgetting a link to one that was revealed Monday, which stated a mother bashed the baby, threw the baby on the bed, it bounced and suffered brain damage from a hit to a change table. Forensics found evidence of a twisted / broken arm, and several beatings to the child.

The child was only 6 months old. 6 MONTHS old.

There’s also another one. 16 week old baby. Bashed by father. Died 2 days after due to brain damage.

Parenting licences. Nearly a requirement for what can only be described as the high resolution of these incidents in the media is revealed, highlights that Australian children seem to be near endangered, due to careless, or stupid, murderous acts by the childs trusted peers, the parents.

So, thinking of the above, why are they having kids? Not ready for the challenge? Psychological disorder? Or – Money. Which do you think? They don’t seem to send out the message they love and care for the kids they give birth to.

If they DID, they wouldn’t set about causing them dangerous levels of harm through neglect, assault and murder.

Shameful people, disgrace of our society.

I’m in my early 20’s for those who don’t know me. My young child was a result of a birth that was a result of a decision we made, that determined we wanted to have a child. We wanted a child. We love him heaps. He is really everything to me. I adore him more than anything. Some might argue he gets more care and attention than the other love of my life, my fiance. It’s debatable.

What is certain however, is we love our child, and we plan to eventually have more children. We do never plan to treat them the way the above parents have been exposed to have treated their children. We care for ours. We love ours.

The government who has tax payer funded departments to determine the safety of children, need to determine if the staff they employ in those departments are worthy of keeping their jobs.

They shouldn’t rush in to take children, but they should almost certainly assess the risks to a child very carefully. If a complaint is made to the department, it’s either a retalitatory action by other people, who seem to want to ‘get back at’, or, what seems likely, a genuine concern for the safety of a child.

I’ve named plenty of recent cases of children being put in clear danger. What failed those children? Why were those children, who were innocent, defenceless people, so wrongly failed?

What will be done to fix this so the failures to the young, helpless kids are kept safe through their own right to a full life?

I know its a harsh post, with a harsh title, but try to…


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